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![]() This will be where we place the strategys for both the allies and Soviets Plese send all strategys to [email protected]
This is reminder about the Golden Tactic. Remember bulk always win. When playing against anyone AI, human or Maniac bulk of anything will always win. Here is an example. If you are allies and your tech level is high enough then I suggest to build about 15 Prism Tanks. With 15 of these (bulk) your forces are unstoppable.
The same applies when building anything else. I have found if you build 7-8 Kirov Airships no matter how good the enemies air defence is, you'll always manage to do some real damage. So remember, BULK wins.
Chronotroop Tactics
At 1400 (or 1500) bucks a pop, you don't want to lose these guys carelessly.
Be careful when moving across the map to engage the enemy, a long jump will leave you vulnerable for a long time. Perhaps, you can can combine several short jumps.
If you see an attack coming that will probably kill you, you can jump a short distance away to safety, and then quickly rejump away to another place.
For taking out pillboxes and sentries, if I stand right outside their range and then attack them, the unit can jump in range, recover, and time warp the sentry before it can open fire. Very powerful!
Although very expensive, 4 to 5 of them work wonders.
Prism Tank Tactic
When playing someone, look for a weak point in his base (all bases have weak points, it's just finding them is the hard part.
What you do is let those prism tanks get to elite status (this can be done by keeping them close to your base and take out incoming attacks). get your Chronosphere and send as many prism tanks as you can into a weak part of your enemy base. Take out the menacing buildings and units first. You can send some prisms on a suicide mission and take out the CY, War fact and barracks. Then take out those pesky tesla or prisms.
This is complicated and I make it that way so that you can never know what I will do next.
Grand Cannon Tactic
Grand Cannons are by far one of the most power anti-tank device in Red Alert 2. Even though they are at a hefty price they pay off against holding off Soviet attacks. I usually build about 3 of them around the main area of my base. Then I guard them with a few prism towers to ensure their protection. It'll definitely hold off them soviet attacks. But this is really only useful for when playing against the AI.
If you intend to play online my advice is to build them all around your base and guard 'em with prism towers and one or two pill boxes incase if the enemy is allies, he or she's Tanya won't be able to blow it up if your prism towers are firing else where :)
GI Rushing
I probably shouldn't encourage this, but its great fun against wasting the computer with GI rushing. I like to build 20 GI's then send 'em over to the enemy and deploy them. Then you get sit back and relax and watch as your 'master plan' unfolds on to the computer. MUWHAHA!
But sometimes when versing the computer it gets a little boring rushing it so I like to twist things a little. Put your GI's on the ore fields and watch as the Soviet/Allied harvesters get wasted and then they run outta money and sell everything and send over their leftover units and the bulk of them are conscripts/GI's.
Kyrin Johnson
Easy Desolator Counter
A sniper in an IFV gets the addition of extra armour and speed to make him ideal for taking on desolators and other infantry both offensively and defensively.
It is also useful when defending ore, when used along with a few harriers. The snipe-IFVs are used on infantry, harriers on armoured units and rocket-IFVs on air and missile threats. A few GIs are also useful to defend against terror drones coming for your harvesters.
Damn Terror Drones Counter
I have found that if you surround your ore fields with 5-10 GI's deployed you'll easily take them damn terror drones from getting into your harvesters. The best thing about being allies is when your harvester chronoshifts back to the refinery the terrodrone stays back anyways :)
Suicide Bombers
Control Group your Harriers/Black Eagles and fly around in circles near their base. Send in the Paratroopers, the Flak cannons will all target the big plane and the hapless bastards, and when they have, DESTROY THEM with your bombers.
Ben Choi
GI sacrifice
Sometimes (not all the time), send a GI or a dog with your Spy, especially in places where there are enemy dogs ready for Spy bloood. Run the GI in, and get the enemy dog to start chasing the GI. Run the GI back to base in the way he came from and run the Spy into the building of choice while the dog is occupied. If it is an Elite or Veteran GI, all the better, he can run around and gather all the dogs if he's careful before bolting home. Just don't run him into any enemy defence.
Ben Choi
IFV Combos
IFVs are wonderful Allied Unit. They can interact with any unit but sometimes it may not do anything. Most of time, what ever unit goes in their gets good armour and possibly increased fire power. Below is a list of IFV combos I have tried.
GI - Works, it allows the GI to fire its gun through the top of the IFV
Tanya - Damn, does jack all.
Engineer - Works, Turns the IFV into a vehicle repair unit just like the NOD one from TS.
Spy - Works kinda the same as a GI. (DarkCrow)
Tesla Troopers - Works, these guys rock in IFVs
Dog - Nothing :(
Well theres some help, you'll have to try others yourself ;)
Korean Black Hawk Hints
Alright here is what I found out with the Black Eagles.
1. It takes between 6 or 7 BE'S to take out a Construction Yard, with Harriers it would take 8 or 9.
2. It takes 5 to 6 BE's to take out a War Factory, it would take 7 or 8 Harriers to take it out.
3. I believe it only takes 3 Black Eagles to take out ones Man Base.
4. Im pretty sure that the Black Eagle can take out a Battle Lab with 4 Black Eagles.
Black Eagles are indeed better than the other Harriers.
They are also very effective against Demo trucks and Desolators, of course it takes only one missile for each.
2 Secret Troopers
Infiltrate an allied Battle Lab as the allies (or at least having an allied barracks) to get chrono commandos (which kick butt for blowing up enemy buildings).
Infiltrate an russian Battle Lab with a spy, and own or take over a russian barracks with an engineer to get chrono ivans. These are great for taking out miners - jump in plant bomb, and if you are lucky (especially vs american enemy) you can get him to take the bomb back to his ore refinery. One bomb will take that out! Otherwise about 3 of his bombs to blow a miner.
Mark Riddell
Irag Desolator Tactic
Iraq is the perfect side to use against the infantry rushers(except if they rush with british snipers). Their special unit:The Desolator, can be built as soon as you have a barax and radar up. The Desolator doesnt harm Vehicle units(it does harm them but the damage is not noticable) but it kills infantry in one shot. Infact the desolator is NEARLY up there with the British sniper in terms of usability.
When deployed it puts a large radiation field around it. This radiation field instantly kills any infantry unit unlucky enough to wander in this area. Also any vehicles entering this field slowly take damage.
Desolator + IFV Combo = An IFV with an Radiation gun on top. More deadly then the Sniper since it doesnt die in one shot from Tanya or the Sniper.
When deployed a desolator's radiation field outrangers ANY infantry unit except the Snipers. Thus this can be used as a good counter to incomming Tanya(s).
A good trick with the desolators is to deploy them near an enemy barracks if they have limited armor units. Then the enemy cant make any infantry unit at all since any infantry unit that comes out of the barracks gets killed instantly.
Another usefull trick with the desolator is that when a paradrop is in progress by the enemy just put a desolator beneath the path of the parachutes and deploy it! Make sure before you deploy it that you dont have any of your own units near by. The GI's/conscripts paradropping will melt as soon as they land.
V3 Rocket Launcher Tactic
What I do is make a small army and store the vehicles in a small section of my base that I create to store the units for my next attack. This section is heavily guarded so they can't do any air attacks or ground attacks to take out my units.
The PC usually sends a small attack force to try and take out my defences. After this attack, I take out my V3s from their little section and rush the enemy base. I seperate my V3s into groups of 4 or 5. I attack 2 buildings at a time and I can take out a base in no time.
It is a good idea to have a few flak tracks and Apocalypse tanks to guard them.
I know this sounds like an expensive tactic and I assure you it is!! Build 3 or 4 refineries and capture an oil derrick. Also, don't attack your enemy unless they have a nuke silo or iron curtain. In that case make 2 groups of kirovs and dreadnoughts. Turtle in your base (which can be pretty dang hard to do) and build up your forces.
Keep your tanks in the front of the pack, then the flak or AA units far enough infront of your V3s to actually be effictive and your V3s at the farthest distance possible. This way, if your tanks are taken out, the enemy will go for the flak units; giving your V3s enough time to get back to base.
Yuri Tactic
Ahhh yes, the good 'ol Yuri :) This is really a 'fun' tactic which is good if yuor bored or you like to piss of yuor foes. First of all build yourself some cloning vats and have a cup of coffe, actually, forget the coffe ;) Then build 5 Yuri's. Soon, with the help of the amazing cloning vats, 5 Yuri's turns into 10
Then group them under a number, 1 for example. After this send them over to your enemy and what ever they send at you, return the favour :)
Libyan Demolition Truck Tactic
1 of these can kill 2 refineries that are stacked together
They can be built quite fast at expence of economy.
Demo Truck Rush Build Order
Demo Trucks
Then send them in and watch the fireworks
They die real easy though so make sure they go around the enemy units.
If you yourself wanna use the Demo trucks then the best time is definetly early in the game..or later on when you have Iron curtain.
Dont put all the demo trucks in one place..and keep them spaced apart so if one gets killed its explosion doesnt destroy the other demo trucks.
Cuban Terrorist/Engineer attack
Group Terrorists into small equal groups (around 2 or 3 in a control group tops), and Engineers in one big group.
Send the Terrorists in at once quickly (as in 1 *click* 2 *click* 3 *click* 4 *click*, etc)
Terrorists take out any Tanks, groups of Infantry, Sentry Towers, walls around important buildings - while the Engineers run in amongst the chaos and run into valuable buildings.
Ben Choi
V3 Tower
Group up 3 V3 Rocket Launchers a small way from a building and wall them in :D Its like a long range catapulty tower thing and it works wonders. It's vulnerable against air, but what good land defence isn't?
Ben Choi
Nuclear Reactor
Everyone loves to build these becasue it saves time and money by giving you lots of power :) The only problem is that when they blow up they casue some serious damage. Just always make sure you keep them well protected from everything... build like 2 tesla coils and have them chared next to the reactor. In case of weatherstorm your screwed, but nukes will not blow the power plant up unless it is below halfway in health.
My advice is not to build these becasue they casue too much trouble when they blow up, if you do put them far away from our base :)
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